The project Storm&DustNet is being realized in Institute of Physics im. Mariana Smoluchowskiego of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.
The motivation for actions commenced in the project is utilization of possessed
knowledge in attempt to improve society’s quality of life and take part in protecting common health.
Our activities include:
- taking measurements of concentrations of particulate matter in the air
- online visualization of results
- taking part in education the public about negative health effects resulting from high PM concentrations
- improving awareness that high PM concentrations are direct and measurable result of human acivity.
Wireless network of measuring stations Storm&DustNet was fully designed and built in Institute of Physics im. Mariana Smoluchowskiego JU
Storm&DustNet project is divided into several stages.
First stage has already been completed. It’s goal was to design, construction and starting up wireless network of measuring stations equipped with set of multiple sensors measuring: temperature, air pressure and humidity and also dust level: PM1, PM2,5 and PM10 among others. Chosen parameters are available to be monitored on online maps and charts.
Second stage will focus on enriching the stations with additional sensors of CO and CO2 in the air.
Aerosols and PM dusts perform the function of condensation nuclei in the atmosphere and are necessary for the formation of cloud droplets in the atmosphere, and thus the clouds themselves, including storm clouds.
In the future, we will equip the measuring stations with lightning detectors. The prototype of the detector has already been made and is currently being tested.
A network of such sensors will allow online monitoring of electrical storm activity in and around Cracow.